If you are happy with your profile, you can write the input descriptors part and submit your profile in our git repository. Otherwise they would take precedence over the profile you generated.
You should now do a Settings->Inputs->User 1 Binds->User 1 Bind Default All to reset the manual settings. Then use Settings->Inputs->User 1 Binds->User 1 Save Autoconfig and the profile will be saved to your disk. Make sure that your mapping is perfect by testing every button in the menu and in some games. For this, unplug all the other joypads, and use Settings->Input->User 1 Binds->User 1 Bind All. The first step is to proceed to a manual mapping of your pad. If your controller is not recognized by RetroArch even after updating the profiles, or if RetroArch's matching profile is not suitable for you controller, you can generate a new profile to use.
Go to Main Menu->Online Updater->Update Autoconfig Profiles to get the latest version of the profile pack.Ī yellow message will appear at the bottom of the screen showing the download progress and the extraction of the archive.
On platforms that allow the RetroArch Online Updater, you can update the set of controller profiles from the menu. Input_menu_toggle_btn_label = "Guide" Updating controller profiles Input_r_y_minus_axis_label = "Right Analog Y-" Input_r_y_plus_axis_label = "Right Analog Y+" Input_r_x_minus_axis_label = "Right Analog X-" Input_r_x_plus_axis_label = "Right Analog X+" Input_l_y_minus_axis_label = "Left Analog Y-" Input_l_y_plus_axis_label = "Left Analog Y+" Input_l_x_minus_axis_label = "Left Analog X-" Input_l_x_plus_axis_label = "Left Analog X+" It is also what makes RetroArch suitable to build your own game console using Lakka or a similar OS. This is very convenient when running RetroArch on a game console, where a keyboard and a mouse are not always available. Having automatically configured joypads makes it a lot easier to navigate the RetroArch Menu with the joypad.

And these input systems differ widely in the way they enumerate the pad buttons. Each of these platforms have one or more input systems. RetroArch works on a lot of different platforms. The autoconfig profile with the highest score is used to map the controller. We compute a matching score for each configuration file based on these three factors.

The vendor id and product id pair is often abbreviated as vid:pid. Matching is done using 3 criteria: the device name, the vendor id and the product id. Depending on your platform, these autoconfig profiles are either distributed with RetroArch or downloaded through the Online Updater. Depending on your platform, these autoconfig profiles are either distributed with RetroArch or downloaded through the Online Updater.RetroArch provides a set of configuration files for the most common controllers. RetroArch provides a set of configuration files for the most common controllers.